Weston Digital are leaders in recording and analytics. Trusted by many of the world’s leading companies, Weston empowers organizations to identify best practice, achieve regulatory compliance and enhance customer experience.

Quality Monitoring

Organizations need to know how employees complete their daily tasks. This knowledge is essential for scheduling, workforce management, and maintaining contact center efficiency. Full transparency enables organizations to keep up with competition, improve performance and deliver consistently excellent quality customer service. Weston Digital uses a browser-based interface to monitor agent performance against key quality objectives. Using enhanced analytics, Weston’s offering boosts efficiency across an organization and mitigates the risk of performance drop, to allow our clients to deliver best-in-class customer experiences.

Keeping Compliant

Regulators distribute penalties to organizations which do not have certain levels of quality assurance and monitoring. This can put financial strain on companies who can’t keep up, which coupled with the ensuing lack of endorsements from industry watchdogs, can be fatal to business success. Weston Digital Technologies’ pixel-perfect screen recording functionality greatly reduces the chances of security violations, making compliance easy for its users, and in turn helping them to avoid financial penalties. Browser-based, Weston’s offering also allows for geographically agnostic and remote working, without any impact on quality.

Group Operating Companies